Realization Process
It seems to me that the essence of things, what I will refer to as the non-dual perspective or nonduality, can be quickly experienced by most people, and yet requires a lifetime of enquiry. I would propose that across traditions there seem to be certain paths to the non-dual perspective that produce “success” at higher rates than others, and that most “successful” meditators wind up finding their own idiosyncratic combination of enquiry, mindfulness and loving-kindness to be the path.
I believe that there are as many ways to find this balance as there are meditators, but I have also found that it is sometimes helpful to have a system to follow.
Realization Process is a synthesis of techniques from multiple traditions that hones in on the essential qualities and aspects of nonduality, or fundamental consciousness, as it is termed in RP. It is therefore a direct path set of teachings in that it offers multiple pointers to direct experiential contact with our fundamental nature. However, Realization Process is also an empirically supported somatic therapy that I have found exceptionally helpful in clinical cases of PTSD and CPTSD, and to be generally helpful to across a range of symptomatic presentations. Being grounded in both clinically and practically usefully techniques and perspective while also avowedly pointing to the nondual nature of experience, Realization Process is a powerful framework for working with many of the most common and bedevilling blocks that meditators encounter on their long road of infinite enquiry.
For people primarily interested in deepening an already established practice, Realization Process offers an incredibly useful combination of description and direct pointing. Without getting bogged down in metaphysical speculation, various degrees, qualities and types of awakening are mapped out in Realization Process. This schematic helps us understand our current experience and how we may still open further in some areas. Simultaneously, practices tailored to allow some direct experience of the various qualities described show us directly where we are more open, and where we might open yet further.
There is nothing more delicious than sitting together in fundamental consciousness, I hope you will investigate these teachings for yourself.

Thank You Judith
Realization Process is the creation of Judith Blackstone, PhD. I encourage you to seek out her books, journal articles and interviews, or better yet, to attend one of her workshops or trainings. She and other Realization Process teachers can be found at